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20 June SYD 3-5pm | SG/MY 1-3pm, Online Zoom Virtual Learning


A$25++/RM60++ (+ 2.5% Service fees)

Closing date for registration: 18 June 2020

There is no cure, no vaccine, so what can we do to protect ourselves during this pandemic? The only thing we can do is to take better care of ourselves to make sure that we are as healthy as possible.


By attending this workshop, you will walk away with 5 key takeaways which will contribute to a better understanding of how your immune system works:

  • The key factors which impair the immune system

  • The foods and nutrients to eat which support immunity (and those to avoid!)

  • Two food many of us consume that are the quickest and most effective way to suppress immunity

  • How to support an optimally functioning immune system - your nutrition, lifestyle, and the environment which surrounds you

  • 3 live cooking demo immune boosting dishes to get you started cooking at home right away!

    • Dish 1 -Israel Cucumber Salad (Vit C booster)

    • Dish 2- Mushroom World (Vit D booster)

    • Dish 3 - Immune Support Curried Zoodle Soup


Participants will receive in-class handouts on lesson notes about the foods which boost immunity and those to avoid, as well as the recipes taught during class.


So, come join me for this special edition of immune boosting class, together we create health!

How to register for the immune boosting class (for Australian & Singaporean):

  1. Click Register Now button at the top right of the page.

  2. Increase the Quantity under the Tickets section to 1.

  3. Click Checkout.

  4. Log In or Sign Up as a site member to continue the checkout process.

  5. Fill in the relevant details and click Continue

  6. Choose the Payment type (PayPal) and make payment in Australian dollar.

    • You can still proceed to pay via Credit Card / Debit Card if you do not have a PayPal account​

  7. You will be notified successfully registered for the workshop through email automatically.


How to register for the immune boosting class (for Malaysian only):

  1. Click Register Now button at the top right of the page.

  2. Increase the Quantity under the Tickets section to 1.

  3. Click Checkout.

  4. Log In or Sign Up as a site member to continue the checkout process.

  5. Fill in the relevant details and click Continue

  6. Choose the Payment type (Manual Payment)

  7. Please make payment to my Maybank Saving Acc

  8. Email me at of your receipt and indicate with your name as proof of payment.

  9. I will notify you on your registration through email manually.


Thank you for your support & see you soon in our virtual class on 20 Jun 2020!


*Pictures are for illustration purposes only

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